Military and Foreign Policy

Day 923, 16:57 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax
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My Foreign Policy and Military Agenda is very straight forward. Here are the key points:

-Continued Membership In SOL and strengthening of relations with SOL Members

-Strengthening Of Relations with EDEN nations and the US

-Strong Stance Against Turkish Aggression

-Support of Maelyn's requested eIDF Budget of 15 gold a Month

-Large eIDF Recruitment Drive

I am a Platoon Commander in the eIDF and helped in the transfer over to the v2 organization. I have donated over 50 of my own gold to support the eIDF I have also renamed all units in the eIDF to Real IDF Unit Names. I am currently working on transforming the entire communications network of the eIDF. I believe maelyn has done a great job in running the eIDF.

The eIDF needs a large budget to help with Maelyns program to make the eIDF self sufficient in Weapons. In the last war with Turkey the eIDF suffered a major supply problem. There were not enough weapons to go around. We cannot let this happen again and must make sure the eIDF is well funded and supplied to face any dangers that might befall Israel.

The eIDF will continue to maintain a series of weapon companies to keep the eIDF well supplied. These factories will play into our larger government run company program to employ people and supply them with affordable goods.

eIDF not only needs funding but it needs a constant flow of Fresh Troops to fill its ranks. We need a large well organized army if we are ever to last as a Independent Nation especially for v2. Thats why we need government funded adds to encourage people to join the eIDF.

v2 Planning wise the eIDF has done the best job here. We already have new rosters and new command structure in preparation for v2. Not much else needs to be done until more information regarding the v2 combat system is released.

I dont want to propose too many new radical ideas for the eIDF because it will all be of no use once v2 comes out. I have a lot of ideas like a Special Forces unit but it would be of no use to implement it once the whole combat system is changed.




More articles to come by from ether Myself e70md or others.

Vote GAVIN!!!