Mibbit Problems

Day 1,622, 02:16 Published in United Kingdom Spain by Saiwun.A.White

Hi everyone,
People may know that I am having problems getting onto the UKPP and Royal Navy chat. Below are hyperlinks and what come up for me. By showing you what is happening hopefully someone will be able to see what the problem is and be able to point out what I am doing wrong. By the way I do not have Internet Explorer; I use Safari.

If I go through the irc on the UKPP website it comes ups with a blanck black page.
If I go through: http://cbe002.chat.mibbit.com/?server=rizon.mibbit.org&channel=%23UKPP
I get the loading stuff but I don't get to chat.
If I go through http://w.mibbit.com/?settings=6da8f7ab3f27c46db7ebcc873c9ab4bb&server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23UKPP&noServerNotices=true&noServerMotd=true&autoConnect=true
I can connect but I can't see what people are saying and I see a lined page.

Everyone it is okay now.
Go through Rizon

People please help.

Also can you please subscribe for other features!