Mi respuesta a la encuesta de Erepublik

Day 982, 05:41 Published in Spain Spain by Bu Itol

He hecho la encuesta esta que anuncia Erepublik en la página de inicio, y me ha hecho gracia ver la última pregunta, que decía:

"21. Last but not least, what is your main advice/concern/feedback you want to share with the eRepublik team?

Let us know what you would improve in eRepublik (Military and Economy module) to make it more fun for you."

Les he contestado lo siguiente. Perdonad mi inglés, que además apenas he revisado. No os metáis conmigo, mamones!

"SInce the economy module was broken time ago, and erepublik was plenty of bugs, this game is not the same for me. Just before the V1, two friends and me wasted real money buying gold. Some months after that, we discovered the bugs. Then, you told us Er Bugs were fixed, and and time after that some people told us about more bugs, and how they used it on the game. In this moment, we knew that Erepublik was definitely broken, and the Er-Team had our money.

I only play this game as 2-clicker player, because not spend my time. I like to keep my player and my newspaper because I like how funny was the time I was playing here.

Do you really want to know how to improve the game to make it more fun? Really? Have you repaired all the bugs? I don't believe you, because you told us the same lie in the past.

uh, and finally, as player, I would like to tell you that Er is not a good game. Is a good place to enjoy with people, but not with the game. Is like a chat. To give more complexity to the game only makes that it turns more boring, and it takes more time from talking with other people of the game.

Bud publicity is terrible for business, and to talk badly of this kind of things is something that I love do for free."


Bu Itol

P😨 SI, sigo vivo! 🙂
PP😨 Lo siento otra vez por el inglés.
PPP😨 Sigue alguien vivo que yo conozca?