Mexico Declared hostile

Day 1,178, 15:42 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States


Proposed by Lord Krauser, Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Proposed on day 1,178. Prediction: Accepted

Proposed by George Armstrong Custer, Do you agree to transfer 5578 EEK from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Accepted on day 1,177


Chongqing was secured by USA in the war versus Resistance force of China: Victory

War and Peace.

President of Italy proposed an alliance with USA. Prediction: Accepted.

USA has declared Mexico as a Natural Enemy

Mexico has declared USA as a Natural Enemy

(Sorry for not much today it’s a slow newsday.)

Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

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