Message to Pakistani President- ALL INDIANS READ THIS

Day 1,324, 11:51 Published in India USA by India101

Message sent by me to Pakistani CP:

Dear Raao,
These attacks will not go unforgiven by the Indian people. I used to be Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs last term when my country accidentally wiped yours. If by such accident we have done that I wonder that can be done purposely. All I am saying is that we were living in peace everything was good until you had to go and betray! Your power thirsty my friend and let me tell you that's only gonna hurt you! I hold no post in the Government currently therefore your lucky but if I did your flag wouldn't be safe! Take this is a message from a former Indian politician! Try attacking India even with your allies you will see what will happen!

Be careful,
Former Politician in India

Response: Response Received and Pasted Below!

you are very immature. better to play some other game. You dont know nothing about politics and I am really sad for India if you are one of their politicians.
What I have to do and what not, is not your concern because your are not an official, even you need more strength to be a soldier, so i am not counting you even in Indian Army.
Please grow up fast to behave like a real Indian man or leave the game. and dont forget to publish it in the Hindustani Times.