Message from Aslisk

Day 847, 09:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Socialist Party UK

It has been said by the other parties that the Socialist Party will never, never become great, never will we flourish. Well, firstly that sums up the attitude of our MP's and parties, one huge sack of egotistical maniacs. It appears to me that the enemy parties are more concerned with growing bigger and fighting for power amongst one another like a war band rather than helping the poor working class which the vast majority are. Many of you do no realise that our party is generally not like that, yes we want to grow but that is so we can choose in what goes on in the countries running. We want to increase your wages, something that the capitalist MP's would die to destroy. Well I can tell you, if only you could see the power house of the Socialist Party forum, never do we dress up the term - "How can we exploit our people today." I here many say, the eUK is dead, well then let the death end, I suggest you make the bold statement of standing up and saying - "NO MORE," this is not a conscription campaign, in fact I write merely because I haven't written for a while but you can see the emotion that electrifies my words, so why then, do you ignore us, which other party takes time out of it's schedule to speak to you on this level? I don't think any.

Gloomy predictions bombard us daily what with regular crashes, this is the ruin of the last capitalist government. Comrades, The Socialist Party will flourish, much to the dismay of the enemies of the working class, no longer will the socialist be bound my the issues of industrial destruction. Be your own rulers. Let the capitalists, thrash their fists in anger, panic and worry for if you adopt this sense then they will topple.

May I finish with this - social standing is like a fantastic gothic pillar, with intricate designs and gargoyles on top, the bottom however, is covered in slime and moss, it is not so well maintained but, should the bottom crack, all else falls until there is nothing left but the shattered remains however. It can be rebuilt, bottom first!

Thank you from Aslisk.

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