Meet the Candidates!

Day 886, 19:50 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

EDIT: Please read this article before voting!!!

Greetings, People of Switzerland!

In just a few hours, the Congressional Elections will commence.

I asked people to contact me if they wanted to be on an official list. Well, after several hours of working, uploading, and drinking Diet Coke, here it is:

Note: There are many other great candidates running for Congress. This is just a list of people who contacted me.


Party: Swiss Freedom Party

Party: Parti Suisse Romand


Party: Swiss Liberal Party

Party: Parti Suisse Romand

Svizzera italiana:

Party: Swiss Freedom Party

Party: Parti Suisse Romand

Party: Parti Suisse Romand

Party: Parti Suisse Romand

And of course...

Party: Swiss Brainslug Party

Well, that's it guys, If I made a mistake somewhere, or messed something up, do not wait to contact me! Good luck to everyone!

And remember, be Penguin!
