Media Mogul Medal. Cronicles of Peasant`s Truth.

Day 1,428, 12:01 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Jan Karal Chadkievicz

Greetings 🙂

An hour ago, I finally achieved Media Mogul Medal.

I want to say thanks to all my subscribers, people from Belarus, CzechoSlovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Spain, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Croatia, Austria, Spain, Venezuela and other countries 🙂

Special thanks to uxini, smrtan, The Graverobber, s.t.g.,Poltavets Aleksej and Mikael Kanto!

This medal is best reward for Erepublik journalist. I want to point most important for me articles:

In Belarus :

1. Пилотный Выпуск[RU] (English: Pilot Artcile) - My first article.
2. Challenge Accepted[ENG] - comix about war with ABC.
3. Полная программа на президентские выборы 5/11[RU] (English: Program for CP elections).
4. [CP] Благодарю за довериеRU] (English: Thank you for your trust) - my first article after winning CP elections.
5. Подведём итоги...[RU] (English: Results) - Results of being CP for 2 months.
6. Немного творчества напоследок[RU+BY] (English: A little creativity) - my last article in Belarus, before moving to CzechoSlovakia.

In CzechoSlovakia :

7. Peasant`s Truth - first article in CzechoSlovakia[ENG]
8. Review of foreign press and 601st anniversary of Victory in Battle of Grunwald[ENG]
9. [PT] Kosovo je...[ENG] - about eKosovo poll.
10. Happy holiday, Ukraine![ENG/UKR] - congratulations to my ukrainian friends with their national holiday.
11. eTurkey - better to be their enemy, than their friend[ENG] - about results of eKosovo poll and eTurkey`s politics.

Thanks for reading. Stay with Peasant`s Truth!