Measuring Country Activity in the New World

Day 462, 19:15 Published in Australia South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

The ADSP Bulletin released some interesting figures today regarding the growth of the eAustralian economy in the last political term.

One of the sticking points for many statistics published in the New World is the lack of a filter to show only those figures pertaining to Active Citizens.

According to the ADSP Bulletin, the nation's experience increased by 34,707 experience points in a 24 day period. While the population increased by 1,120 people.

That means the nation's experience is growing at about 1.29 experience per day, per person.

Whether this is a large figure or not is for the nation's citizens to decide, but it might be possible to gauge the overall activity of a country with these numbers.

Each active citizen will receive at least 3 experience points daily for eating, working and training.

We can use this discrepancy between the minimum experience of an active citizen ( 3 ) and experience gained per capita ( 1.29 ) to determine how active an eCountry is:

Country Activity = 1.29 / 3
Country Activity = 0.43

An active country should translate into a closer, more enjoyable and prosperous nation. It will be interesting to see if this measure rises or falls during the next political term.

Next Issue

In the next issue of the eFinancial Review, we introduce Power Rankings.

Which company has the highest sales growth in eAustralia?
Which industries are dominating the market place?

Find out on day 465.

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