Me and eItaly

Day 1,260, 13:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Markham West

Well, here I am, finally at level *beep*in' nine just to get this newspaper, and now have nothing to write about.

Perhaps I should introduce myself. I'm Markham West, Connor West's eBrother/IRL gay lover (just kidding about the gay lover thing, but we are good friends!). He's coerced me to rejoin eRepublik, and here I am! Writing a rambling article.

Before I came to eBritain, I lived in eItaly (it's actually on another account but we'll just overlook that *wink😉. eItaly is a very bad place. Technically living in the French-speaking quarter of eSwitzerland (which eItaly somehow conquered...), I worked for very little pay in a grain company. Toiling among the fields, I decided to make a newspaper instead!

It was to my dismay that I learned that people tend to speak the country's native tounge. So, I decided to print my lowly newspaper in English, run it through Google Translate, then print an Italian translation below it.

The eItalians were not satisfied. 99.999999999x10^three-millionth percent of the comments on my articles were about how crappy the translation was. They suggested I hire someone to translate it for me, but I thought that'd require money that, on my 0.68 cent per day salary, I didn't have. Three articles later, the eItalians continued their taunts. One of them even messaged me "Why italy?" I didn't need Google Translate to figure that one out.

So, falling out of love with my newspaper, I decided to focus more on my depressing elife. I messages the new president of eItaly "blah blah blah secede Switzerland blah blah blah" or something to that effect. The president responded saying that he lacks the power to. Even more disenchanted, I decided to go into an eComa.

When I woke, the world had changed. eSwitzerland had gained its independence. There was talk of alliances. Yes, it was a glorious time when I discovered that my new salary was in the 50 dollar range. But, this still wasn't the life for me. I set my sights on Austrailia, and, I looked into moving tickets.

I became suicidal when I discovered moving tickets costed several thousand dollars. I went into another eComa soon after.

Months later, I was talking to Connor IRL, and he mentioned he played eRepublik. I was all like "ME TOO OMGLOL" and, after some rejoicing and a jubilant feast, I rejoined, and worked my *bleep* off to get to level nine, make this paper, and get that damn hard worker's medal that's eluded me so.

I still haven't gotten the damn medal.