Maybe for congress? maybe not?

Day 557, 16:50 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore


I have intentions with the permission of the IWP to run for congress in the next go around under the IWP ticket.

I am not going to lay out a platform line for line and word for word.

I will say that I have been in Israel since its re-establishment of the north district. I have owned several business’s in Israel including food companies and a weapons manufacturing company that did very well but took a lot of my time and eventually I sold it. I was gone for a little over a month due to personal illness in real life. During the time I was gone we apparently took two more regions, I am very proud and happy that this was done.

I will list a few things I would stand for as a congressman

* Congressional accountability- Don’t think for one second that those in congress that fail to do their job as required under Israel law and standards wont be exposed properly with facts and actual information regarding this instance, not accusations.

* Congressional accountability- I will not present any measures to be voted on without congressional debate first, and public debate. Good healthy debate should be used before all measures are brought up for a vote. There is no sense in wasting 24 hours for measures that clearly wont pass.

* Congressional accountability- I will reach across the isle on issues that face Israel. I wont just conform to any party line view, as a member of the IWP I will generally take the IWP view into account if it represents a truth and strength that would support and strengthen Israel in the long term. Don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t reach across the isle to vote with or encourage the other party to vote with the IWP. Reaching across the Isle is important no matter what anyone says.

*Congressional accountability- As a member of a congressional body, there will come times, especially in the situation where war may be involved that there may be an item come up that may not be popular with the general public, As a congressman it is our duty to represent what the people need and want, and look after the security of Israel as a whole. I will always take public opinion into account when it comes to voting on issues. that’s a promise, your voice will be heard loud and clear.

If me becoming a congressman ever comes to pass, I will immediately set up an external congressional office for everyone to come talk to me in private if need be, and look at my voting records. There needs to be more organization when it comes to congress as a whole, and I would want to be a part of the solution and not the problem.

As a member of congress, I don’t feel it is my job to sit here and push any certain agenda or make plans for the nation and present them to you, that’s not my job. My job is to listen to the people and their Ideas and represent them best as a congressman, anything else would just be riff raff and a wasteful use of a congressional seat. I’m not going to sit here and say “ We will retake all of our regions if I become a congressman, I will push for that” . That type of statement might gain me votes in some areas, but the truth being if that is not what the people want, and if that is not what I am reading and seeing in the papers, and if that is not what people are mailing me about, or coming to my congressional office to talk to me about, then its not a big issue to the people of Israel.

Setting up an agenda as a public servant and saying this is the way its going to be because we know best is not how its supposed to work and that’s not the way it will work in my book.

I don’t believe in excuses for voting a certain way from our congressmen either. I hear a lot of excuses and bullshit reasons when rebuke comes later. I will tell you that in my case I take the attitude that the “buck stops here”. I’m not one for excuses, This is the way I voted and why, because the majority of people in Israel supported it and it is productive in the long run for the nation.

I ask you to start thinking about who you will vote for in the next congressional race and consider me as a possible candidate to replace some of our non-existent congressional members that do nothing at all, or want to form an agenda with another group of congressman to push their way of thinking without ever asking the people who elected them in the first place.

Thanks for your time
