May I Die Peacefully: Farewell

Day 999, 23:41 Published in USA USA by batterytime

Upon this day 999 of the New World, I draw my final breath in eRepublik.

It is time for my to part my ways and die a peaceful death.

I leave behind a few accomplishments, and hope that they are of use to the future players of eRepublik, providing this game does indeed survive that long.

This is the result of no one person, or one event; rather, it is the accumulation of the successive failures of this game, the successive deprecation of the community, and the simple fact that this game is no longer worth playing.

If you are here seeking my gold or my companies... you are the reason this game now sucks so much. There is no longer a community worthy of even holding a light to what once was: I have seen too many of my old friends in this game drop off one by one, the greats in the military, in the eUS, in the entire world abroad.

Today we are stuck with an eRepublik that is a mere shadow of what once was. I now, will join the ever growing list of the people who shake their head sadly while they watch this game fall slowly into the mist.

To the eUS Military: I thank you for being my home for my entire life in eRepublik. From the humble origins of the now defunct Training Division to the marines that I ended up in: I've had a wild ride. Thank you for all you have done. O7

To the Army/Cavalry: You were the guys I started out with, the group that I climbed to glory with. So many of you have faded away as I now will, but I will never forget you. To those who have still stayed, this is my goodbye to you as well.

To the Marines: My time in the marines was the only reason I didn't quit much earlier, which is a huge testament to its community. You are who I'll find hardest to say goodbye to, and for good reason. Semper Fi!

I wish it did not have to be so, but this game has fallen so far in so short a time. Like many before me, I too, will fade away into the history of this virtual world. I find it amusing that by mere chance, this day happens to be the fated day 999: mere minutes before the foretold apocalypse of day 1000 comes.

For the last time,