MAximize your Fighting Potential [Tried and Tested]

Day 659, 15:50 Published in USA India by ArjaaAine
Link to Original Article

Mostly everyone here knows how to fight. But most of you fight 5 times a day; some of you fight 4 times a day; and very few fight 6 times a day.

Today I am going to teach all of you how to fight 6 times a day with no added expense.

Here's what most of you do:

So We have 2 citizens here.

1) ArjaaAine_5fights.
2) ArjaaAine_6fights.

Both of them have Q5 house and eat Q2 food everyday and work in Q1 company and train evryday.

________________________________________ ____________________________

ArjaaAine_5fights has 95 wellness at the end of day.
With his house and food, he goes upto 98.85 wellness next morning.

*** Role Play ***
He wakes up fully refreshed at 8 am and ready for some work.
He goes to work at 9am and works till 5 pm. but even though he worked long and hard, he only lost 1 wellness

End wellness 97.85

After coming back from work, he goes to the gym to sweat and impress the Ladies.. 0.0
He works out for 2 hours but again suprisingly he only lost 1 wellness.

End wellness 96.85

Now this mean little bugger was still so full of energy he goes to the nearby fight club.

There he meets this hustler who challenges him to a fight.
Arj goes to the arena and fights 5 times till he is half dead..

End wellness 46.85

with head spinning and blood gushing through his nose he is rushed to the Hospital in the Indian capital State of Orissa where he is given a senzu bean... (DBZ fans will understand it) which replenishes him to almost brand new condition. A miracle? u bet.

End Wellness 96.85

This goes on on on.

So ArjaaAine_5fights, started of with 96 wellness and fought 5 times and healed and got 96.85 wellness.

Start Wellness- 96
Morning wellness - 98.85
Work - 97.85
Train - 96.85
Fight 5 times - 46.85
Heal - 96.85

He will continue this and fight 5 times everyday.

________________________________________ __ ____________________________

ArjaaAine_6fights has 50 wellness at the end of day.
With his house and food, he goes upto 57 wellness next morning.

*** Role Play ***
He wakes up half dead at 8 am and is too tired to work... but he still goes to office.
Where he was so tired that he fell asleep.. but then his boss came 😮 and got angry at him... ArjaaAine got so pissed on been woken up from a dream that he hits the boss square in his nuts..

Ouch cries the boss and fires ArjaaAine.

End wellness 47

After being fired, Arj goes to see his doctor and then the doctor gives him a senzu bean..
Yumm says Arj

End wellness 97

All Strong and refreshed and only 9 am.. Arj goes to the Job Market and finds himself a new job, where he works Hard and plays harder.

End Wellness 96

After Work he comes back at 6 pm and follow his buddies routine and goes to the gym to work on some biceps and triceps and quadceps and pentaceps and ultraceps and forceps and OMGceps and *****ceps

End Wellness 95

but all this training his ceps and his pecs.. he wants to kick some more nuts... So he goes out to the fight club and hits some dude named ArjaaAine_5fights, square in his nuts... 5 TIMES...
whoa down boy

End Wellness 45.

he goes to bed exhausted and wakes up next day with 52.35 wellness

Follows the same procedure but only fights 5 times the next day... and ends the next day with 50.35 wellness..

This goes on on on.

So ArjaaAine_5fights, started of with 96 wellness and fought 5 times and healed and got 96.85 wellness.

Start Wellness- 50
Morning wellness - 57
Fight Once - 47
Heal - 97
Work - 96
Train - 95
Fight 5 times - 45
Sleep with 45
Next morning wellness - 52.35


He will continue this and fight 6 times one day and 5 times the next day.

If you guys have any Questions PM me.


1) Don't work with low wellness, or You will harm your Boss and your country
2) Keep the days of War breaks in Mind.. if you don't know when is the next break, ask your military leader... because a day before the break you have will have to fight less to keep your wellness high.
3) This is not simple, so don't try it if you don't understand it.
4) The RPG is just for fun, if it confuses you... just read the Simplified Section.
5) Buying Higher Q food can make u have 6 fights everyday.. (With Q5 house and Q5 food)
6) House is a big investment but it pays off in time.. So DO CONSIDER BUYING A HOUSE.
7) Hope you had fun reading it.
😎 Let your boss know or you maybe fired
9) It runs a risk of loosing hard worker if you r not careful.
10) Low Wellness may cause risk if nation's under attack... SO ONLY USE IT IN TRAINING WARS.
11) I got 5 fights everyday with Q5 and Q2... but with lower level house or no house, you will loose a fight every other day or every few days. This method will save you from that.
12) With Q5 house and Q5 food and Q1 job, you can maximize this to get upto 7 fights every 3 days.
13) With Gifting and Q5 house and Q5 food, and Q1 job... You can MAXIMIZE your work efficiency and have upto 23 fights in 3 days. 🙂

Suggestions welcome.

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Since I am approaching my first media Mogul medal I am changing the format of my articles from now on.

I got the inspiration from maverick10's Newspaper.
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The Last of my Sequence of Stats Article.

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