Max Planck too weak to save eUSA

Day 4,093, 21:36 Published in USA Bulgaria by acarson

Max Planck, a Socialist Freedom Party member and current candidate to being nominated president of the eUSA, has no experience being our Country President, an anonymous source close to the Socialist Freedom Party has said.

"It is not a secret, he is an elitist posing as a non elitist in the SFP, The main problem with Max, is that he has no experience to be CP, He knows nothing about war, and nothing about foreign affairs." Says the source, "Max's cabinet is abysmal, its filled with sycophants and losers"

There is also talks of, in certain circles, that Max only has the support of regular people outside of SFP, only tentatively. And may waver at any time before February 5th.

Experts on this analysis that stressed that we need a strong leader, one that would continue the fight against the evil eRomania and its Axis of Evil. One that is strong in body, mind, and soul, that can tactfully get rid of the Romanians and restore the eUSA to its former glory of 50 states.

It is quite obvious that Max Planck is not one of these people fit to restore the eUSA to its 50 states, and will in fact, keep us from winning for the next month.

Or at worst, we lose even more territory.