Markets Report - Week 1929-1935

Day 1,936, 08:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C
Job Markets

You can see by the graph it was an up and down week for Jobs. Wages peaked at €10.10 on Wednesday. The average wage for the week is €9.27

Monetary Market

Over a 6 day period starting last week Gold vs. Currency rose from €270 to €284 only for it to crash again back to €279. This new supply pack which has been seen as 'affordable' and 'generous' is suspected to be the root cause with first timers buying the pack selling the gold trying to outdo one another. It is expected to rise back to the €282 mark once this promotion has settled down.


After a dramitic fall to €7.10 last week Q7 weapons managed to stabilise and begin growing with prices in Ireland floating around the €7.44 mark. We expect this to remain steady as is happening around the eWorld.

I would like to thank Appleman for keeping me on for another month as DMoF.
You can read the Monthly Financial Report here

All the Best,