Markets Report - Week 1922-1928

Day 1,928, 11:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Average Wages^ had a pretty good week. They saw a drop on Day 1924 as the top 2 were over €9 but the 3rd was €8.60. They will hopefully continue to grow as the month progress' but tbh it's unpredictable.

Q7 Weapons

Well as you can see Q7 weapons have been falling all week and are expected to hit an Irish Market low of below €7 in the coming days. However it's not just Ireland. All across the eWorld the prices saw this pattern. Denmark's market for example was selling them for 14 Local Currency, just 3 days ago, but they are now selling for 9 LC. A trend as I said is likely to continue unless we can get ourselves a war.

Monetary Market

On the upside of things Gold v. IEP has seen a great week. Rising from 274 a week ago to 284 today. However this is likely to return to the 272 mark once the Rocket Factories Promotion finishes.

eWorld Asset Ratings: Ratings 1
((Currency+(Gold x Value)+ Population)/ Regions Available)

Australia (AAA)
Canada (CCC)
Columbia (A)
Ireland ( B )
United Kindgom (BB😎

That's It for this Week
All the Best,