Markets Report - Week 1915-1921

Day 1,922, 03:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Average Wages Prices^ have had a bumpy week. They peaked at €9.70 ave. on 1909 and fell drastically the following day. They are slowly gaining again but at this point there's no way of telling what way they will go! If I was to hazard a guess from info over the last two weeks I would say they're in for another drop.

Q7 Weapons

Q7 weapons peaked at €7.47 this week and fell down as low as €7.20 on two occasions. This in no way similar's last weeks flow as they was a lot of up's and down's. As Deputy Minister for Finance, it is my job to research Q7 weapons across the world, and it seems as if they followed a similar plot line. But I think they are set to rise. In some countries you can get them no cheaper than €10. So at some point they will have to return to 'normal' but nobody knows when.

Monetary Market

Gold v. Currency
Well after starting €2 lower/gold than te previous week gold saw a major drop in value and hit €269 at one point. It is slowing going up again and is expected to continue rising to above €280. Previously we predicted it would reach €300 by March 3rd, but we now want to extend that to March 11th.

Will we see anything new Elite C? Well I'm glad you asked. Next week in this article will be the first official eWorld Asset Ratings.
You don't mean the whole world!! No, of course not. It will be Ireland, UK , Australia, Columbia, USA and Canada.

Thats it for this week

All the Best,