Markets Report

Day 1,908, 14:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Irish Treasury
Gold 12.91
IEP 43074.26

Monetary Market Report From Christmas to today:

What can we see from it?
Gold vs. Currency began to decrease about New Year and continued downwards until 29th January. This is most likely due to the eRepublik Gold promotion before Christmas in which the sold gold at 45% cheaper and upgrades were offered at 45% less.

However, it is now again on the increase and is predicted to reach it's original 1g = 303IEP within a few weeks.

On the Q7 Weapon Front:
Prices have begun to re-establish themselves back from the 7IEP drop over January, with all but 1 seller quoting 12IEP +

Wages have re-covered slightly from the 7-8IEP during the week. However it is not expected for the lowest wage to increase to 20IEP for a long time to come.

There you go.
Something you knew already in an article.

All the Best,