Market Update- 1,187/Introduction

Day 1,187, 06:05 Published in India USA by India101

The Hindustani Times will be starting a new segment called market updates. These will be daily published reports that will report the changes of market prices on the current prices/items- Food q1-5, Grain, INR-Gold Conversion. Since today will be our first day I will only be reporting 2 results that I know because I have a company in it.

Day 1,185 [6:03]- Food Q1-0.83 INR [-0.07 INR]
Food Q2-1.70 INR
Food q3-2.75
Food q4-3.98
Food q5-9.9
Grain-0.09 [NO CHANGE]
How many INR for 1 gold?-109

Day 1,184- Food Q1- 0.90 INR
Grain- 0.09 INR