March eUS Presidential elections

Day 834, 08:46 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Thinking about dusting this old rag off once more, thought I'd say hello, and start a bit of discussion amongst the old readership, of which, PigInZen was one.

I see this race as a bit of a one-horse show, but perhaps I just don't recognize the names of certain dark horses because I've been away from civilian life. (Partly because of that, I feel removed from American politics and want to at least encourage people to vote with consideration.)

That said, I'm tempted to throw my money behind PigInZen. He's not only got a plan, but it's thought out, and I can't find any point in my skimming I disagree with. So, feel free to educate me, dialouge, or challenge me or others to inform our opinions. Otherwise, I might just vote Zoli. 😉 (Another old subscriber who might still pick this up.)