Make eRepublik better !

Day 1,251, 12:59 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by klinecMK

Dear eRepublik Staff,
You are making very new update’s, doing the best to make everything better to your costumers (us) but some of your updates are liked, but most of them are disliked from us.
Now for a change please listen to us and what we want and do it ! After all we are playing this game, its ours !
Here is a list of few suggestions, which I thing would improve the gaming here a lot, and a lot of old members who left this game will come back !

1) The Health Packs issue :
I don’t say then you need to remove them, but at least limit it to 200 – max 300 hp per day with health packs, because as we all see there are few players who waste a lots of money to buy gold and use it for health packs, the stupid thing is then they can overpower whole nation .
As I said a solution for this is a limited use of health packs !

2)Rename Card
Lot’s of people made a mistake while they registered their account ! = Lame username. Take me for example, I hate my username and I cant do anything about it to change it !
Here are few of my ideas for solution about this problem :
• Rename Card for Gold – Make example : one rename card to cost 10 gold or 20 or 30 I don’t know you make up the price. We shout be able to buy it where can purchase gold.
• Make it for free, add it on the edit profile option and it shout be allowed for use only once for each account !


Now to get the resources you need the region to be connected to your Capital to get any use of it ! I mean come on you made 10 resources and you need to connect them all to your capital to get any use of them, who are we kidding that’s unpossible specialy for a small country’s such as us (Macedonia) all of our neighbors are strong country’s and now when we conquered Italy we cant get the bonus of their resources only because Albania does not exist !

Hope you will read this for a change and try to fix this issues
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