Maddog Jones is not the only Welsh person in erep...

Day 884, 08:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

...Indeed he's actually from Bristol. No word of a lie.

Anyway, right, manifesto.

I did think about converting the amount of votes I had in the last congress election into words and basing my manifesto around that. However, as I struggled to acheave double figures (still qualified though), I thought I'd best not.

Who Am I?

I am Karacticus.

After a month as CP my new look

Once upon a time I was the Prime Minister. We don't talk about that anymore.
Before that I was the Minister of Home Affairs for like ever. Well two months.
Then before that I was like the MP for Wales for like 6months maybe. With a gap in between.

Now I am the Minister of Home Affairs again.

Why vote for me?

You want how many Q5 Hospitals?!

A vote for me will ensure that the people of Wales have at least one real Welsh voice. Indeed my Welsh voice is that of a lovely Baritone.
I'd like to be all serious beans on you, however, I have grown tired of this.

If you vote for me you will get the same level of customer service that I have always provided

In short

Please find it in your erep shaped heart to vote for me on the 25th. I would like to retake my seat in Wales as the House of Lords is far too dusty and upsets my asthma.

I promise to be a good congress person and do stuff

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