M.s.A - Another Suspicious Party

Day 150, 22:24 Published in Japan Japan by Swift Lee

Here comes again, another suspicious party who wants to make use of the current political unstableness here in South Korea to their own advantage. However, this time this party is much more a clear cut fraud and most probably a party consisting of all clones. 12 Party Members, 12 created on the same day (some a day before or after). Here are the statistics:

Datis (president) - 18 April 08
Doom3 - 17 April 08
Evile - 17 April 08
Kill Switch - 17 April 08
Cold Fear - 17 April 08
Prey - 17 April 08
quaker - 17 April 08
Neuro - 17 April 08
CIA agent - 17 April 08
Korean - 18 April 08

All their ABOUT is:
M.s.A Soldier
The worst way to fake that you're different.

Even look at Datis's Newspaper War Programme. 13 votes (i think?) and it fits exactly their whole party's number of members. BULLSHIT.

I'll let you guys decide whether or not they are really all humans or just one NO LIFE retarded trying to take over South Korea not even knowing how to fake properly.