Love Is In The Air

Day 943, 19:19 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Tonight, instead of my nightly report, I come to you not as the president...but as the man who officiated an eWedding!

Now, normally I wouldn't care, and would instead lol at how lame eWeddings are, but for MSTA and Fionia, that was a whole a different story. MSTA is bro-tier and Fi is pretty cool too.

While they've had a bumpy ride in the...courtship...process, I am glad to see these two pups managed to find their way.

And while some feel that Dio would not shine upon this wedding due to ancient texts regarding /v/irginity and saving ones self for Dio, I want everyone to remember...I am Dio, You are Dio, We are Dio.

The union of MSTA and Fionia is a union with Dio.

The Wedding:
(@Choc|AFK) Ahem.
* ~MSTA walks up the isle
* RustyCage (~RustyCage@4th.of.July) has joined #fioniamsta
* @Choc|AFK kicks Alexander_Hamilton, reminding him to play organ music
* &Fionia walks up the aisle
(@Choc) *Blazix the flower girl precedes her*

A picture of Blazix before the wedding

* @Choc clears his throat
(@Choc) We gather here today, in this holy house of Dio to celerbrate the union of Fionia and MSTA.
(@Choc) While some may have never seen this day coming, judging by Fionias first, second, third...
(@Choc) fourth...fifth...reactions to MSTAs courtship, there were some true believers of love who knew this glorious day would come.
(@Choc) By believers, I literally meant 2.
(@Choc) MSTA and Dio nourished this relationship from its beginning youth and into the great display infront of us.
(@Choc) Only with his faith, only to be found in the heart of a true Dioist, was love able to survive.
(@Choc) You must both remember these beginnings throughout the term of your relationship, that without Dio, there is no love.
(@Choc) Without love, we would not be here together, building a memory to be cherished, and union that makes a lifetime worth living.
(@Choc) MSTA, repeat after me: I am Dio, you are Dio, and when we are one, we are Dio.
(~MSTA) I am Dio, you are Dio, and when we are one, we are Dio.
(@Choc) Fionia, repeat after me: I am Dio, you are Dio, and when we are one, we are Dio.
(&Fionia) I am Dio, you are Dio, and when we are one, we are Dio.
(@Choc) May this union last until the sands of Dio wash over your bones. Vaya con Dio, MSTA, you may perferm lewd acts of Cybersex with the bride.
(@Choc) \o/\o/\o/
(~MSTA) 😁
* ~MSTA kisses Fionia

Ahem...phew...sorry, had to collect myself, I was so emotionally swept away.

Congratulations to MSTA and Fionia!

As an aside, I would like to take a moment to handle some presidential business. After reading this beautiful piece of literature, I announce that by executive order, Joe Newton and Dennis McVicker are one and the same in a holy union.

Actual picture of the lucky pair 😁

Congratulations to the grooms!

So, that's all for now. I encourage everyone to send gives, words of encouragement, and love to these lucky four lovebirds 😁

Writers note: eWeddings are pretty lame, but then is this game. Why not add some more community to the game \o/