Look Here For Wellness

Day 852, 02:07 Published in Canada Canada by Saya Innsbruck


Don't rage quit because you can't use the hospital to get your health up! If you are low leveled, send a PM to Canadian Health Services for your dose of gifts. Absolutely free for those under level 12, and heavily subsidized for those over this threshold. PMing is not really that hard, so get to it.

If you need higher quality food, please PM Red Cross Canada. Free Q3 food (which should be more than enough for new players) since Q4 and Q5 are pretty overpriced and I would be better off buying a gift on top of the Q3. Offered for any Canadians and allies. Free moving tickets and gifts too if people needs it as well.

Habitat for eHumanity is still running. A bit fund strapped as usual, it offers Q1 houses on the condition you work 21 days there, paying 1.5 CAD every day. I still need to figure out how to buy houses from the own company, since I actually have no experience in running companies (I don't own any) besides buying raw material, paying workers, and increasing investment.

Also, for all Canadians not affiliated with the CAF or private militaries, such as the CC, I am offering 2 way moving tickets absolutely free when there is a big fight going on. Since I am in congress, I can't move outside the country, so I want you to fight for me. It's fun to move around and fight, so at least try it once. It's more fulfilling than fighting the training wars, and it's not going to break your wallet, so there's nothing to lose. Of course, if you don't know where to fight, just send me a PM. It's also silly to fight weaponless, so I will send you some guns if you are level 15 and under. It's even more silly to fight on the wrong side, so make sure you know who to fight for in a foreign operation!