Logan/Sigurd for President

Day 864, 15:30 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Thats right I am running for president of eSingapore! Yes this is only for teh lulz!
My platform

The first thing that we need to do as a nation is increase our island nation's population. We have over the last few days been loosing citizens. This is something that we as a collective nation should be worried about. But never fear I have a solution to that. I just yesterday published an article interviewing our current president. I published it in eSingapore and in the eUS. After about an hour or so I revived a few PMs from curious eAmericans. They asked thing about out tiny nation like "Have we ever been at war" and "what is our political system like" after being informed of how our nation works they seemed to be impressed. The thing I believe is necessary to increase our nation's population is simply run a PR campaign around the eWorld, if people knew more about how our nation works and how nice it is then they will be incited to move here.

When it comes to the economy I feel that the current system we have in place works fine and should not be changed at this point.

International policy:
On the world stage eSingapore has always remained strictly neutral and under a Dunleavy presidency that would not change. I feel that us being a part of SOL is as far as we should go when it comes to alliances. We are entering a world where eIndonesia is becoming increasingly weak and EDEN beginning to fraction neutrality is a policy that should be maintained and will allow eSingapore to flourish as a neutral point of trade for all alliances.

My VP:
I know that is is custom for a president of eSingapore to pick their eSpouse as their vice president but since I don't have one I picked Sigurd Aasen. This is a man who knows how to 'Get r' done' he like I has had Congressional experience. I feel that together we can take eSingapore to great places!

So on the 5th remember our slogan when you go to place your vote "With liberty, cake and Narwhals for all "Vote LD/SA for eSingapore!

Youtube campaign a😛 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9chBMGw0fAA

Majulah eSingapura!