Local Election Results - Analysis

Day 306, 01:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

With a suprisingly low-turnout in some regions that we have come to expect, these final local elections were some of the most tightly contended ever. There may have been romps in London and Cardiff, but some candidates just squeezed into the Mayoral seats in Belfast and Birmingham.

Siobhan Griffin - 8
PrimeMinister - 4

Irakaz Ibalofa - 7
Calletti Winter - 7
Chris Kit - 5
Pagan - 2

Keitarour - 19

DarrellLeon - 7

Bremer - 14

Sir Graystar- 8

jerryGFL - 19

General Douchebag - 5
Bonnie Prince Charles - 4

Alan Hammond - 12

Wiglof Smith - 4

CBall - 11

Pughie - 8
Galdenistal - 1

Squiddy - 52

Billy Bright - 25

Newcastle upon Tyne
Bob Boblo - 10

malta_1990 - 2
Intel2 - 1

Reshev Villanova - 5

happyjoe5 - 2
Whirlm - 2

Relic - 8

Eadie - 3

Baljet - 19

Erius - 12
Khala - 9

So when we count up the regions won by party, we see that PCP have taken 6, TUP 5 and UKRP just the 1.

PCP are always expected to do fantastically at the Local Elections, as they have a vast base of experienced members to pool from to run for Mayor and who will do a fantastic job as Mayor when they're elected. UKRP also have such experienced members, but most of them are simply unwilling to run, which is why only 1 of their members, Jerry, won their region.

The main shock of this set of elections was that TUP came out so strong. I dont believe anyone expected, even TUP themsleves, that TUP would win a staggering 5 positions, only 1 less than PCP and 4 more than UKRP. So the question on everyones minds is whether we could be entering a new era of eUK politics?