Loans - Plus the incomplete opening of Donovanator's Bank

Day 697, 15:20 Published in USA USA by Donovanator's Industries/Bank

The need for gold grows each day and sometimes people wait for quite awhile just to get a party/business/newspaper started ,and it always suck when your close but not close enough. So we (the staff of Donovanator's Industries/Banks) understand that the demand for gold is good and grows thus we will loan anyone that is at least level 8.
And here goes the rest of our loaning policy:

Maximum Amount of gold loaned per person: 5
Minimum amount of gold loaned per person: 1
Current interest rate: 5%
Loan must be completely paid back within: one week if you agree to 5%, two weeks if you agree to 10%.
The gold must be given to us on the day that was agreed upon,or else the admins will give us back the gold and ban the debtor for : the length of the amount of days it was loaned

For security reasons we are only going to do one this week and after our coffers possibly grow we will allow more.

So send me all the comments and pm’s you want and I will notify you if it is available.

P.S. Will Someone who has successfully ran a stock market please pm me- I am thinking about starting one