Liverpool Mayoral Candidates - Interview

Day 302, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
After Nick Appleton abonded Liverpool after a few days as Mayor, theres a lot of work to do to get Liverpool up to the standard that Katie and her predecessors have set. The two men who think they're capable of doing so are CBall, Congressmen of TUP and Owner of Gifts Gone Wild, and Pughie, PCP Congressmen and Ambassador to Norway.

Firstly, why are you running for Mayor of Liverpool?

Being a mayor carries a great deal of responsibility, you have the power to make or break a region. That comes with a lot of pressure and the need to be active in a variety of ways. I enjoy a challenge and I feel that being mayor of Liverpool is a great role and one I would be very happy to take on. I have always wanted to better the region and the UK and this is the ideal way of doing so. By building on the success from past mayors such as benskius and Katie then I want to make Liverpool extremely prosperous. - CBall

Im running for Liverpool Mayor because im a RL scouse living in Liverpool, i love my city and really want to see my part of the world do well on this game. Also i happen to think id be good at the job. - Pughie

What do you think of the other candidates?

So far I"m only aware of Pughie that I"m running against. I haven"t seen or heard much from him on eRep, only on the forums. I know he is active in congress and from what I have seen he seems alright. As I said earlier, I haven"t seen anything about what he plans to do so I can"t comment on his policies. - CBall

I think cball is a very good candidate, he has come close to beeing mayor before and has alot of experience, but i dont believe cball"s heart is in this campaign he has been extremely inactive recently and i dont believe he can put in the time that Liverpool needs him to have. - Pughie

What do you think is the biggest issue in Liverpool?

Last election I mentioned the population boom, and this is still an issue. Maybe even more so since Nick went inactive after becoming mayor. We need to get the gifting scheme back on track and helping newcomers (since we all know eRep can be pretty daunting at first!). Unemployment is once again a key area since there are new citizens coming to eRepublik and Liverpool all the time. Long term aims include generating more interest in politics, the economy etc. and setting up a council consisting of a group of citizens willing to discuss issues to improve the area. - CBall

I think the biggest issure concerning Liverpool at the moment has been the inactivity of its previous mayors, obviously with Nick Appleton deserting liverpool for its whole term last month and to a lesser extent at the end of Katies term with her taking on more and more roles with in her party. This left Liverpool stagnant, without leadership and leaving new players without help. - Pughie

Remember, these are the last local elections, so make your vote count!