Lithuanian beaver stikes again. This time it's about politics.

Day 906, 04:48 Published in Slovenia Lithuania by Ignas Grinevicius

Hello, my dear slovenian friends!

I hope you remember me - I'm an lithuanian ambassador here and... today we're gonna talk about the politics in Lithuania!

OK, so firstly - about the system

In Lithuania we have a President who actually should pick a vicepresident during his campaign, but present president Petras Pirmasis did not do so, so I don't think we have one now. We also have four advisors in the government. Four of them are assigned by the president, one is elected together with the representative, two are delegated by the congress. There is also a prime congressman who is elected by the congress and represents it in the government. Oh yea, we have some ministers as well: Minister of newborn, minister of foreign affairs and the minister of finances.

This system does not fully work at the moment but I hope that someday it will (I reformed it this way when I was a president).

Some stats

Most times president - cawx - 4 times

Most votes got in the presidential elections - manteliuks - 734 votes

Most players voted in the presidential elections - 1027 - November

Most votes got in the congress elections - Akello - 113 votes

Most players voted in the congress elections - 972 votes

Biggest party - Sąjūdis - 372 members

Most congressmen this month- Sąjūdis - I guess, 10

I can find a lot of other stats, but that, I think, will make this boring to read. So here we stop with the stats


I don't know if it's OK to write this in eRep, but I've just found out that our representatives in Eurovision '10 have just visited your gorgeous capital - Ljubljana. You can check it out here 🙂

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An ambassador from Lithuania - Ignas Grinevičius