LionKing, Blockers, Hacky Sack, and Dolphins

Day 941, 21:02 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles


Well, we lost. It was kinda disappointing but our military guys put up one fight to remember, with some estimates for damage done approaching 3 million once you account for foreign citizenships, with up to 1.75-2 million of that being done in the waning hour of battle at 3AM EST...Not to mention Jankem's ferocious performance breaking 100k damage in a single battle for the first time.

Some allies pulled through on their end, and others didn't. I won't bother creating a storm by pointing out the latter, but my goodness the ones that pulled through sure did shine.

I'm lookin at you China! In a previous article declaring my love for you guys I was awestruck that you had managed to pull together ~750k damage. Last night you dropped bombs, pulling in over two million damage. That is impressive!

Holy crap, an article about LionKing that doesn't include a picture of Simba

So we lost. This is the part where we move on, rebuild, and continue with our eLives.

On a quick note, there is some question of the use of V2 Bond money. We had money requested/allocated for this fight, but had no CBO officer online. Last night I ordered that the bond money be dispersed and used. We were also a little short on liquid gold so I authorised the use of a fraction of it towards the effort, on the condition that there is enough USD on hand to cover the gold used which will be promptly sold from the CBO for gold.

Our V2 fund and most of the bond gold lies safely hidden within the CBO vaults, ready for the transition, and there is no need to be concerned about the safety of your investment.


Congressional elections are just around the corner and we need blockers!

For anyone that does not understand the concept, basically we need good people who are not interested in running for Congress to run for Congress, not so that they can get elected, but so that an unsavory character cannot get on the ballot. It doesn't cost you a dime and its quite easy, and its a great way to help out the country!

Each party has the responsibility of handling their own blockers. I encourage you to sign up to be a blocker for your party (or consider signing up for other parties if yours is prepared)

hehehe :3

Signs ups

So yeah, sign up and make America safer!


- The Polish CP wrote this article to apologize for his behavior in the heat of the moment during the last few days. While I was unhappy with his actions as a representative of the Polish State, I recognize that we were all very stressed and I am glad we were able find resolution on the matter. Show the man some Vote/Comment-Love for having the strength to write that article.

- Michael Porter is a pretty cool guy. He's one of my top advisors with no real "job" besides advising, yet has been very active in helping this month run smoothly. Last night he took the initiative to start handing out supplies to anyone who needed them to move to China and fight the good fight. Hes also done work towards improving our media by sharing good papers, being pretty funny, and baiting trolls away from other papers by taking one for the team. Tell him how awesome he is, or at least show the man some love by subbing his paper 😁">">
This pictures actually not relevant to the content, I just liked it a lot

- We finished the "Meet your Government" series today, with Myles Robinson filling in for a very busy Mr. Hyphenated and writing this piece.

So all together now, we've seen Batterytime discussing the Treasury Department, Blazix discussing the Tech Department, Landon discussing the Media Department, and Myles discussing the State Department.

Well..that's the end of it, but if anyone wants to learn about any other programs let me know in the comments and I'll make it happen.

- Myles is Awesome and Dolphins are Cool.

Artists depiction of SoH Necrosis/GF (Source: Interwebs)

- There's an eUS forum thread to lol@gf. While its not the subboard I was hoping for, a threads a good start. Now go. Lol.

- I heard Serbia won at racquetball against Germany. That sucks. On the upside, I guess the UK is supposed to lose to Slovenia. \o/
