
Day 1,041, 00:57 Published in Greece Greece by dimbar
Δεν είναι δικό μου το άρθρο αλλά ενός κινέζου...Η αποψή του για την μάχη της Liaoning

In the battle of Liaoning, they had cheated the server to disarm everyone on the map before their attack turn, and then they redeployed or rearmed with kinds of weapons to kill us like this picture below ↓ .... ALL of Chinese & EDEN soldiers were disarmed in our attack turn and then the next defend turn (although we‘ve chosen weapons in our hands)! In other words, one Phoenix soldier even with Q1 weapon could kill dozens of our soldiers because of this cheating. Especially the ones who were sleeping and had left their virtual-roles in pivotal positions (since we controlled ALL the pivotal positions and nearly ALL OVER the map before this cheating), they had been disarmed for several turns until they're killed.

After this cheating, the number of our deployed soldiers in Liaoning decreased by about 300 in only ONE attack + ONE defend turn for nothing in their hands. While even we didn't count the being-disarmed-ones which were killed in the followed turns in total. This is an unidirectional massacre!

This kind of cheating is unacceptable!