Liam Smith For Congress in NI

Day 487, 06:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Liam Smith

I would like to anouse that i Liam Smith is running for re-election for Congress of the United Kingdom in the region of Northern Ireland.

What i am done
i have done loads of jobs, i am one of the currant MPs for NI, i am the Senator for Transport in the Northern Ireland, i have done nearly 2 months in the MOFA, i am the currant runner of the GM gifting for the MOH, i am the ambassador to Italy with over 2 months done, plus other jobs, so i think i know how i do another term,

Why i think i should be re-elected.
all the reasons above show loads of reasons, but i have also been very active and i have taken part in most debates in the HOC, plus i have 100% attendance in the voting in the HOC, so i am very active, as most people know, and i think this is very important, also i listen to every thing that the people of the NI say,

What will i do?
I can not promise that every i say will happen since i know how the workings of Congress happen. but this is what i would like to get done, i don't support ATLNAITS or PEACE, but in this WW3, i think we need to stay in ATLANITS for now, also i support MPPs only if we need them i don't support any that will just waste gold for no reason e.g. the Canada and Norway one there a few days ago, i would like also to help the NI Senate get working a lot better, with weekly meetings with all the Senators and the creation of a private forum just for the Senate and NI people. i would also like to see the UKs econmany back to a good level, the Taxes raises did help, i would also try my best to get the NHS running again and less costly by if the Directors think that the citizen is inactive the ban them from getting gifts for a few weeks,

This is all for now, but i might publish a 2nd half on Monday