Letter to our new president Dio Brando

Day 175, 03:03 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Confucius

Dear President,

Thanks for invading us. Thank you ever so much for the confiscation of all our monetary funds We are left with nothing. I can´t feed my self anymore, and i can´t pay my employees anymore. What a great job you are doing as invader, and congratulation in taking over our economy. Doing a great job.
I though that the point of invading another country was to benefit from its local production, and hence get richer.
Apparently you are one of those wannabe leaders that can´t see farther than their noses, and whose main purpose is to invade without thinking about basic economic governance.
Seriously, i could not care less what nationality my president is, as long as he is not dumb. I though your little local politics trick infiltration plan was an smart move towards dominating and controlling the game. I just expected that you would carry your plan in a more elaborate way after invading your country. But i guess you went as far as you possibly could go intelectually.