Lets Destroy the bridge

Day 1,165, 22:50 Published in Serbia Iran by A.X.E

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Brothers we did it again!!! We are victorious!! Congratulations to all friend and allies

Dear eSerbian brothers
As you may know eUSA is the biggest threat to us. even bigger than eCoratia

Yesterday two battle started in eIran regions
North western

We won Fars battle with eSerbian brother helps
But Northern west battle is still open
The battle is 6 (eIran) vs 2 (eUSA)
Battle of northwestern

Any one interested to join the battle and destroy the eUSA threat just send me a PM
I`ll donate him tickets for moving to eUSA for joing this battle
Account bigger than str 2500 send me PM. I`ll provide their weapons

Only 2 rounds remain guys 😉

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Amir 29 article`s