Lets Build Something Better

Day 1,652, 08:06 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason
Its been a while since I wrote anything so this will likely be a TL😃R for most of you, meaning it contains more than 250 words and there are no pictures of scantily dressed women in seductive poses...I apologize, its all business today

I don’t spend too much time worrying about what Snimda are doing to ruin this game. I say that because I spend most of my time worrying about what WE are doing as a community, to ruin this game! We jump up and down and scream about changes to this module or that module, gold buying, and what we often perceive as a greedy Snimda trying to “ruin” the game for everyone. When do we take the time to step back and realize that we are doing far more damage to the quality of this game than Snimda ever could?

Im not climbing into my pulpit here. I am just as much to blame as anyone else is, if not more so because I have been here almost 3 years and have had many chances to sit at the levers of power and more often than not, failed to bring about the change we all crave so badly. Let me explain...stay with me on this.

No matter what Snimda does to change the game, the common element that binds almost all of us to this game and keeps us coming back for more is the community on which it is founded. Sure, we log in to gain some personal achievement in game, be it hard worker medals or true patriot or battle hero, etc, but if that is all that brought you here, you would have quit ages ago and you know it. What really keeps you coming back for more are the little regional and larger international rivalries. You know the ones I am speaking of. eCanada and the eUK, Turkey and Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia, and the list could go on and on. We log in to cheer on our own side and fight to help our team win. When we win, we celebrate and when we lose, we plot our comeback. Thus is the very nature of the 3 major alliances in the game. Its all about the community and taking sides.

Where the wheels have been falling off for me, is when the game has crossed into that darker territory. We all know what I am talking about. When the gamesmanship becomes about holy wars and RL political allegiances. When players send messages to other players that cross boundaries to the point where personal safety and sanctity becomes threatened. When RL phone numbers, names, and addresses are reproduced for public consumption. When a simple photo is used to try and track you down on Facebook. This is where the wheels fall off the game for me. When simply questioning or highlighting a players past performance is met with accusations of being “one of the biggest cunts in the game” or being told to “GTFO” or “STFU” and other silly and childish remarks of that ilk. It is at these junctures where I question whether we as a community are killing the very thing that has the power to allow us to do something so much better.

I spend a lot of time on IRC and so I get to know the people behind the screens, and more importantly, behind the persona’s, a whole lot better. I can think of two people in game who, if you took the time, would really surprise you. Both Wally Cleaver and Rolo are two people who’s in game persona’s make them firmly entrenched as villains, and yet, they are nothing like that when you take the time to talk to them. In fact, these are two guys I have never met before in RL, but with whom I would gladly hammer back a few pops at the local bar. Why? Because I take the time to separate the in game person from the real person.

It would have been far easier for me to simply cast stones and insult, cut them down or berate, but that would only serve to perpetuate the very problem that has plagued this game. Instead, I took the time to talk, ask questions, and get to know both of them, and many others of you who are reading this article.

Why do I do this? It’s simple. I find it much harder to muster up the will to say something unkind about you, when I have taken the time to actually get to know you. By getting to know you a little bit outside of the game, you go from being a stranger or someone who is just a name and an avatar, to someone I know to some degree and have likely developed a respect for. Once that occurs, it is incredibly difficult to be nasty with you in game.

So here is the end game to this article. Snimda can change anything they want. It really does not matter, and I have no control over it. What I do have control over is the way I react to the other people in the game and they way I go about building the community. I have a lot of work to do in this respect...I know that...but I am hopeful that this article is a good first step to building a better game, by building a better community. Here is my challenge to all of you who have read this far. Think of someone in game with whom you feel you are at variance, and either find them on IRC or shoot them a PM, sincerely looking to get to know them better and begin bridging a new relationship. Once you have established that connection, build it and then move on to another player. wash, rinse, repeat. Friendly banter is great and should be encouraged, it makes the game fun. Hateful and hurtful remarks should be withheld...it takes a lot of energy to get upset so why not reinvest that energy into something that builds instead of destroying?

Remember...Snimda can only change the game mechanics, but the community changes the environment and the way in which we react and build the game itself.

Yours In National Unity,