Let us Unite!

Day 506, 14:28 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

There are Some People who are still against foreigners coming to this country

back in the uk ANYONE is welcome

im going to show you a list of ALL of the president of the UK

This Month: Malta 1990- Malta (obvious😛)
March - JerryGFL - German
February - Final destiny - Irish
January - Deathtoll - American
December - DishMcds - American
November - DishMcds - American
October - Rayf Drayson - American
September - KIA Sneak - Brittish
August - KIA Sneak - Brittish
July - KIA Sneak - British
June - Final Destiny - Irish
May - Shadowucks - Belgian
April - Kaleb - British
March - Kaleb - Brittish
February - Kaleb - Brittish
January - Kaleb - Brittish
December - Snow_Gibbon - British (First President)

as you can see 17 months of presidency only 3 RL British ran the UK, it has also been 7 MONTHS! since an RL UK player has been elected in the UK

out of the 17 months the uk has been run by an RL UK player president for 7 Months

Foreign Presidents have become Presidents for 10 months! and some of these presidents such as Dishmcds has done great things for the UK if we did not accept them we would lose these great things from these players and we would be further behind from where we are today

i just want us to unite, i want this "omg look more foreigners" gone..i came to this country leaving behind what i loved doing the most on this game, fighting in the military, right now i would have fought in Romania/China/Germany/Serbia/finland and any other country we had money to go fight in
but this country needs help, yes we're kinda stealing your jobs of how to do things but..we're setting this country up once its set up, the country is yours!

i will be honest i wont be staying long, back in the UK in the Military is where i belong, im here to help anywhere i can, so far iv been handing out free food to anyone whos asked for it, i had raised the alarm on the incoming Romanian Border ( i had made a thread about them before the battles even started) and i am now an ambassador, these things arnt so great no but lil things here and there add up..

since people like me (who've done this all before..) wont be around for as long as u think (i am only here for 1 more month) places will start to open and you guys can jump right into those places, so dont worry about us stealing all the jobs, right now we have filled most of them because we dont want those little mistakes that slow us down, the country has moved from 44th place to 39th we have defense systems coming in for basically free

Work with us not against us, this country is yours we will build this country up togeather, it wont be some small useless country that gets PO all the time (theres a few in eRep that get hit ALL the time such as south Africa, they have had their money stolen like 4 times) this country WILL BE GREAT trust me..you already have good players starting to understand how things work one of them i see his name pop up all the time with questions and good ideas, you should already know him


there are more than just one dont worry im just writing this very fast Oo so sorry if iv jsut insulted you by not mentioning your name 😛

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P.S if anyone wants to translate this...i will edit this and add it in at the bottom