Let's Move On

Day 948, 09:36 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

To All eCanadians: Let's Move On

After reading 1ronman's poor attempt at counter attack I realised how sucked into this whole mess we have become. Talk of this scandal has been long and never ending. I do not blame anyone for their opinion as that would mean I blame myself, but I believe we've had enough and it is time to move on.

1ronman's article (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1ronman-is-innocent-1429817/1/20">http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1ronman-is-innocent-1429817/1/20) contained attacks to Jacobi, Dade and Neoice. Three eCanadians who've worked hard to establish the guilt behind the money. After Dade published an article containing as much evidence as possible (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/cnd-theft-exposed-1422683/1/20">http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/cnd-theft-exposed-1422683/1/20) 1ronman started trolling. He stated that everything except his "Truth Series" was pure troll and therefore not true. However, in his latest article where he claims his innocence the title sees no statement of "Truth Series".

As I examined the comments left to his article I admit that I was relieved to see that people had come to their senses and not many believe that he is innocent. However, there is still a small amount of people who do, and I ask those people to open their eyes and see the truth.

I'm in no way worried that 1ronman will win his CP run, he probably won't even be able to get endorsements but it's shocking to see that even after the whole evidence has been thrown at us people still fail to see the truth.

1ronman as we knew him is no longer, so don't linger on the past and move on!