Let's do something fun WIN $25,500! Winner announced!

Day 4,506, 03:37 Published in USA USA by KingTaco
Lottery giveaway time!
Because why not 🙂

**THE WINNER HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED! https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/congrats-on-our-first-lottery-giveaway-winner--2714765 **

In this lottery giveaway, you don't have to pay an entry fee - because why would I make you trust me with your money. To enter, vote for this post and leave a comment! That's it - easy. For each $50 (so 2 for $100) endorsement is an additional entry, although not required, and the majority of the endorsement will goto the pot. Starting pot is $2000 (I am a semi-broke American, can't do too much higher than that to start 😉)

Drawing soon!

New pot is $3200!

New pot is $13,200! 😃

New pot is $15,000! Thanks for your support, everyone!

The pot is now $21,500! Tell your friends!

The pot is now $25,500 please read my latest post.
Be sure to subscribe and share!

Drawing will be recorded via GIF using a random name picker online and shared in a new article!

Let's have fun,


Sponsored by POC0bob, Drummertheman, Baby Groot, DardiX, PilotPhil, and Malpazar.