Let's Analyze Our Virtual Economy

Day 1,522, 15:10 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
In-Depth Economic Analysis
Time for an economic analysis of present day Erepublik....

First off, we are at an incredible economic peak which happened because of the last few messages issued stating toolboxes would be removed..

Markets were flooded which cheap RM and finished goods which resulted in the drop of FRM from .29 to .13 dollars per unit....

The value of our currency is based solely on the fact that our currency can then be used to construct RM companies at a Q4 level and that of buying land slots...

The value of our gold is based on more things.. Political parties, companies, newspapers, in essence way more things...

We expect therefore that our gold price will be hit less but it will fall as well as our money's value in these few days before the change because production is at a peak... Since goods are offered very cheaply in the market right now, there is little incentive to build new companies....

The influx of new players guarantees labor force for the now very powerful and semi-monopolistic Q6 demand of goods..

Communes are still working and overproducing far more than ever before..

Communal workers are still only limited to a simple function which is that of working once a day and then fighting in the game...

If the economy changes to what has been spoken to us there will be lesser demand to work for RM companies because of their inability to pay wages leading to "we can only infer" monopoly of the finished goods company owner. RM company owners will suffer -indeed greatly-.. Only a communal system would justify to produce enough RM for finished goods since RM company owners wouldn't be able to afford salaried workers...
This is regarding the scenario in which managers can't work anymore..

We can infer therefore that there will be a massive reduction in the spending of private companies but rather a few coalitions of communes trying to get enough RM for their companies.. Rest of which will be sold in the market at premium prices due to the lack or rarity of RM since wages cannot be justified...

We can expect as of now that our goods will be higher priced later on after the change. However, since our value of money will also be greater once you do not have overproduction, the REAL GAIN is quite slim in terms of items acquired by money you spend in this time. However, there is in fact real gain from people who buy things such as companies cheaply now..