
Day 612, 01:13 Published in Greece Greece by Anthonios

Hey guys,
Due to popular demand, I am leaving eGreece. Whether my absence will be permenant or temporary, I do not know. My decision was the appex of events this week...
List of Major Happenings for me this Week:
1. I was happy because of HPC growth
2. I un-endorsed Thanos for PP to run a poll to see whether a center-left party would be popular or not...
3. Thanos, my closest friend, gets ticked at me and considers me a "backstabber"
4. After seeing the majority was for a center-left party, I offer my endorsement to Thanos again
5. He refuses to accept my endorsement, thus ending the greates friendship I had in the game...
6. I offer the eGreek chat to a HPC new recruit
7. Everyone hates me on the chat for no apparent reason
8. Later on, I finally get it out of someone that they hate and want to ban me, because I just gave away the chat to a Hungarian.
9. This, in effect, makes me do some research and find out that the "population growth" of the HPC was just a group of TO'ers. (Yes I know who your are)
10. So, I can come up with a list of 8 people in Greece that don't hate me. Pathetic right?

So im leaving. It was a great year that I stayed in Greece(for the most part), but I guess all semi-good things must come to an end...
Thanos, at least one of the Arr's(i cant remember which, or both?), Esetai, and most of Greece. You got what you wanted.