Leave for a vacation 国庆假期休假

Day 678, 11:15 Published in China North Korea by dawenxi

I have to absent for some days because of my RL long-distance travel tomorrow. After October National Day holidays I will return. In my travel days, I am afraid that the Internet connection will be inconvenience to me. I will try my best to go online as possible as I can. But my job of MOFA will certainly be affected. During this period, MOFA Assistant tonystm work as Acting Minister, aliao work as tonystm's assistant. If something happens, please contact tonystm and aliao.
I know it is a critical period in our diplomatic work. I feel very sorry for my absent. I will try to find access to internet every day to deal with some limited issues. You can sent message to me in the game.
Thank you all, my friends.

本人明天需要出门长途旅行 , 国庆过后方能返回, 期间上网不便。 虽然会尽量上网训练工作, 但是需要上网较多时间处理 的外交部工作之布置、 与各国之沟通必然受到影响 , 故现请假。 期间由 Minister 助理 tonystm (flytosky ) 任代理 Minister , 驻美大使 aliao 担任 tonystm 的助理。 期间有外交事务, 请与 tonystm 和 aliao 联系。
目前正处在外交工作的关键 时期, 此时离开岗位, 本人感到非常惭愧和抱歉。 希望大家谅解。 我会尽量每天找机会上网处 理一些事务, 有问题找我的话可以在游戏 中给我留言。