Learn to play eRepublik at Swedens first eUniversity!

Day 1,503, 05:59 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
The Swedish congress decided to absorb the very popular educational project created by Folkhemsdemokraterna, the Folkskolan. Folkskolan was a project where new players where taught how to play the game. The students were also given food, money and high quality weapons for their training and leveling after every finished course.

Article by Toothpaste

The project was very popular. Maybe to popular - the political party behind this project didn't have enough of money to support all the students. The creator and rector of the school, Thaimat, decided to ask the congress to become financially responsible for the school. The bill passed by the congress earlier last week. The Swedish state will now be the one paying for every Swedish players education. The new name of the school will be "Universitetet" (the University).

The Swedish University is looking for teachers
Rector Thaimat is looking for teachers and professors who could be part of the University and hold courses in their competence. If you think you have what it takes to work at a University then please contact Thaimat or go here for more info.

The Swedish University is looking for suppliers of food and weapons
Rector Thaimat is also looking for companies which could supply the school with food and weapons. The goods will of course be payed for. Producers should contact Thaimat if they are interested to sell goods and help the Swedish community out at the same time. Forum thread with more info here.

The Swedish University is looking for students
Want to be a student? If you are under level 26, you are welcome to apply to the school. More info and thread for your application here.

The Swedish University is looking for a logo
Are you any good in Photoshop and is interested in creating a logo for the Swedish University? If so please contact Thaimat for more info.