Latest Admin Message

Day 1,147, 09:01 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Just got this:

"Dear Manager,

In order to improve your game experience, starting with Day 1050, we will give you the opportunity to work, once per day, for all the companies that you own on your citizen account.

Isn't that great? Higher daily production, higher skill increase, more fun.

Kind regards,

Your eRepublik Team"

Isn't that great?

From a personal perspective - yes! I don't mind making my companies more profit or ranking up my skill level a bit quicker.

From a economic point of view - argh, no it's horrible! We already massively overproduce here in Norway, adding more stock to our loaded shop shelves is a bit pointless and actually incredibly harmful. A few more bits of food being bought to cover the extra health lost is not going to put a dent into the mountain that will be created once this gets going.

The one way out of this? A war. A proper big super-alliance vs super-alliance kind of war. One that rages for 100 days. One where little Norway cannot just sit back and watch. Fingers crossed.