Korea's Horizons

Day 367, 20:49 Published in Japan Poland by Parrot

So, as you all know, not too long ago, ATLANTIS sent soldiers to help in the liberation of South Korea. And many of you haven't looked past this; you see that it was freed by ATLANTIS and therefore believe that it's going to fold into an ATLANTIS puppet state. And now you see some Czech talking to you about Korea and have no idea what's going on.

Allow me to explain. I formed the Civil Reform Party in the Czech Republic; and since its conception, have been an avid PEACE supporter. In fact, I'm currently overseeing the Czech Republic join PEACE. That being said, I'm realistic; South Korea is free. Regardless of how much we talk about it, unless Japan or Pakistan wants to use 300+ gold to recapture it, it's going to be free for a while.

In the mean time, though, let's realize what we have. We have a fresh indepedent state with a new political system. Instead of just taking it back over and spending gold so it can be liberated again and we have to repeat the process, why not just get South Korea out of your way?

In short, why don't we make South Korea a PEACE state? Think about it. If South Korea becomes a PEACE state, what do you lose? Nothing. In fact, Japan, as a whole, gains. Koreans will start playing the game more and join South Korea and automatically be devoted to PEACE. On top of that, Japan has 30,100 KRW in its treasury. If you let South Korea develop an economical system, you can liquidate those funds and make a ton of gold off of this. In short, you gain and ally, you gain gold, and you lose a threat.

Now, over the next few weeks, I'm going to be running a party in South Korea. We are pro-PEACE. The party we're running against? They want to stay neutral. To quote the leader of the opposition party:
"Surely Neutrality is the best solution? NAP with Pakistan, Japan and possibly China. We can't really afford to sign MPP's right now."

So, Japan, right now, we have three options. You can support this government going for PEACE, you can support it going neutral, or you can have ATLANTIS come in and create a puppet state. I'm offering a PEACE government alongside alliance with you to further our countries.

Choose wisely.