kitteh ... the softer side of scrab

Day 571, 14:55 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Okay ... not everyone was happy about my last article. Everyone thinks that I'm mean and nasty ... and sometimes they are right. I don't suffer fools very well nor do I like putting up with a bunch of BS. Hence, the my two biggest projects that are going on this term are assigned to Harrison Richardson (building a new alliance) and Tiacha & Ananias (the feasibility of USA Primaries). I have utmost faith in these people to do a remarkable job and to filter out the BS and obstructionist crap before it gets to me.

That being said ... I will dedicate the rest of this space to a collection of cute kittehs. So please look at the kittehs and think of how much nicer that eRep would be if we all just had a lolcatz day. Oh, and watch out for the one scary image. It's the most fearsome thing in nature: a bear ... holding a shark! Oh noes!
