Keep on trading - but not raw materials

Day 1,538, 01:49 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Since my last guide I had a huge response from players via PM, with both praise and further questions. I see that lots of players has taken the trading strategy to their heart, giving guidance to each other in the MU-feeder and in Friend shouts. Its wonderful that we can all make money together and at the same time share the knowledge. But unfortunately, it seems that pure guidance has stopped you to think outside the box: Trading raw materials isn't everything. There are 12 other goods that should be looked at as well.

Today there is a great unbalance between countries, some has forced control over the salaries and price. While other countries, like Sweden, has chosen to let the market go wild and regulate it self. Crappy price on raw materials are a god send for us with factories since we make 3 times as much in profit even with today's "high" salaries. Unfortunately, majority of you players don't have the economy to build factories - yet. But you have the trade.

So this economical unbalance between countries can - and has to - be used to your advantage if you want to make any money at all.

Most of you are trading raw material. And I've seen people saying that you should even hamstring raw material until the price goes up. You probably don't have much storage so my tip right from the start is: sell it off, no matter the price.

Then look at countries with high gold price and low salaries. These countries have been trying to take control over their markets and done pretty well. But they forgot to adapt them selves to the world.

For example, for the last 3 days, Russia has been selling Q5 weapons for 25 ruble (around 24 sek) including taxes. The price in Sweden for the same weapon is 38 to 40 sek (ca 32 sek excl tax). And you are able to sell them in no time.

As you see, its obvious that you rather should be trading/hamstring weapons with a profit of ~7 sek per unit rather than going for raw material that has a profit of 0.10 or 0.20 sek. At the same time, gold price in Sweden is 1250 while in Russia its up at 1350. With other words, you can spin your money as soon as you sell any amount of good and make a profit on the money trade as well.

But Russia and Q5 weapons was just one of many countries and goods with a huge difference in price. Take your time and look up the markets if you can find other goods that you can trade - if you have the means.

Good luck out there.