Karnataka is the key to Volhynia

Day 529, 02:51 Published in Romania Romania by Bismark

Yes, you read right. Everything is connected. As you may already know Hungary succesfully attacked the Polish region of Volhynia. That high grain region, an ucrainian original region, was transferred from Romania to its ally, Poland.
Hungary, the behemoth of Central Europe, has run amok in this region PTO-ing anything that moves and generally making threats against everybody form the germans, the croats to the poles and romanians.
It is pretty obvious that the hungarians have set their ambitions to the high resource regions around them. High resource regions are important not because land companies are more productive in those regions, but also because the great number of companies in those regions will pay many taxes and licenses to the country that owns them. The indonesians and the hungarians are funding their war effort from the taxes payed in Karnataka. If they are deprived of that region, the indo-hungarian threat in Central Europe will be more manageable. It is not a question of owning Karnataka, as it is a question of making Indonesia lose it.
For this reason it is very important that ATLANTIS conquers Karnataka, and it is very important that every soldier stationed in Romania fights according to orders and concentrates on the eastern front, because the eastern fornt is the key to the front in central europe, and the faith of Romania is linked to the faith of Poland, Croatia, Germany, Australia, South Africa, USA, GB, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Norway, the Czech Republic and the Baltic States.
I hope I have convinced you that everything is connected and if one of us falls, we all fall.