Karl Holm, for President of DGIN. Karl Holm, the man-eating tobacco-addict.

Day 310, 15:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Copenhagen, Denmark

That magnificent bastard. Karl Holm, international (or well national) man of controversy! I take my hat off to you sir! Karl Hom, famous for being a sour jerk to everyone, all the time. Karl Holm the craziest man in Sweden. Karl Holm, he's just plain mean. This man is Hitler x 1000. This man is Pol Pot x Hitler x 1000. This man is just brilliant.

No one is as bad as Karl Holm. There isn't a person in Sweden who is more hated than that evil son of a gun. It's incredible. I tip my hat to you Karl Holm. You have accomplished in like a week, what I haven't accomplished since April. You've accumulated more hate-spam in 2 days than I have in 5 months. You are the most effective man in Sweden, and you are the most hated. I am not worthy.

Your brilliance is in how you have brilliantly shown my brilliant...fuck I can't even think of like...words anymore. I am not worthy Karl Holm!

I salute you, and encourage you to be president of DGIN because you have turned all my crazy wild lies about Sweden, into truths! I never thought that a nation with an effective education system, state-controlled liquor stores (this is important), and really cold winters, could ever be as crappy as I make it out to be. But your presence alone Karl Holm, merely your presence, has turned the Swedish media into something far worse than anything I ever called it (and to be quite honest, I never lied about the Swedish media). You've shown by simply existing and being who you are, that even online Swedes can go into this bizarre mob mentality and waste their own time spamming for no real gain or purpose. It's quite simply amazing.

You've robbed the Swedish people of their reason. I love it when prejudice turns true, but it's also so nice when it does. How do you do it Karl Holm? How come you are so evil? How did you turn Sweden into a drooling pile of lemmings? I'm wondering. This is a useful magic you posess and I would be willing to buy it from you. What is your secret weapon? Snus? The tree flavored kind? ABBA? Perhaps a combination? Karl Holm you crazy bastard, I don't think you can genetically combine ABBA and tree-flavored snus, and even if you did, they'd only be half living creations that would be screaming for death. What kind of a sicko are you? Some kind of cannibalistic tobacco addict? Aha! I couldn't think of anything ...more evil!

P.S. What the fuck is going on and why all the controversy?