Just a thought about the future...

Day 867, 06:32 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

HI all,

With v2 on its way and the potential for titanium to be our new High region resources that replace diamonds, i thought i should ask a questions to those who have decided to read.

Should we begin to build up the population of the Northern Territory and promote people moving to the state so we can protect our assets?
With eIndo and her puppies ready to pounce any moment should we 're-structure' the way we are positioning eAus and her population?
We saw how a little incentive sparked a mass exodus to WA where her population went from about 500 to now being over 1500.
Imagine if a we could get simply 500 or more people to move to NT?
So, should we look at making the shift?

My personal opinion is simply Yes.

I have heard the arguments and i value them, but maybe we should begin to think more seriously about protecting what we have and looking towards what might come. ATM NT is really vulnerable, but our population is growing and we may well be looking at a population of around 6000+ citizens by the time V2 comes around. We could quite easily move 500-1000 people into NT provided it had a Q5 hospital and potentially even a small defence system (Q3).

I know these cost money and i realise that in V2 these will deteriate. But i think we should seriously look at making it a little more difficult to just for anyone to just storm into one of our high regions by putting a wall that would at the very least cost some decent amount of Gold to attack and a wall big enough that it would take more than one tank to destroy it.

Anyway, what are peoples thoughts?

I would like to see us work through some of the issues that will come with having a 2 High Titanium regions and how we can 'secure' these regions from the onslaught that v2 may bring.

Feel free to vote and sub if you can be bothered 🙂

All the best people.

Take Care